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Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.0

Jakarta Enterprise Beans defines an architecture for the development and deployment of component-based business applications.

The Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.0 intended scope includes all plans detailed in the Jakarta EE 9 Release Plan, which in essence involves a backwards incompatible namespace change from javax.ejb to jakarta.ejb.
In addition the Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.0 Release Plan will involve:

  • Removal of methods relying on java.security.Identity
  • Removal of methods relying on JAX-RPC
  • Removal of deprecated EJBContext.getEnvironment() method
  • Removal of Support for Distributed Interoperability
  • Mark optional EJB 2.x API Group

See the Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.0 Release Plan for full details.

Compatible Implementations


Plan Review

Jakarta Enterprise Bean 4.0 Release Record and Plan

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2020-03-04 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Kenji Kazumura, Michael DeNicola Fujitsu 1
Dan Bandera, Kevin Sutter IBM 1
Bill Shannon, Ed Bratt Oracle 1
Mark Wareham, Steve Millidge Payara 1
Scott Stark, Mark Little Red Hat 1
David Blevins, Cesar Hernandez Tomitribe 1
Ivar Grimstad EE4J PMC 1
Alex Theedom Participant Members
Werner Keil Committer Members 1
Total 8

The ballot was run in the jakarta.ee-spec mailing list

Release Review

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2020-11-20 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Kenji Kazumura Fujitsu +1
Dan Bandera, Kevin Sutter IBM +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle +1
Andrew Pielage, Matt Gill Payara +1
Scott Stark, Mark Little Red Hat +1
David Blevins, Jean-Louis Monteiro Tomitribe +1
Ivar Grimstad EE4J PMC +1
Marcelo Ancelmo, Martijn Verburg Participant Members +1
Werner Keil Committer Members +1
Scott (Congquan) Wang Enterprise Members +1
Total 10

The ballot was run in the jakarta.ee-spec mailing list
